Monday, November 1, 2010

Who Missed Me? Be Honest

Alright a couple things:

1) Watching this video reminded me of the 250+ times I watched this same video during the summer before freshman year of high school. This was back in the day when the only sort of motion picture iTunes distributed were music videos (fo' free too). I spent every day of that summer alternating between visually burrowing through their four hundred or so deep music video catalog and playing Mini Putt on Addicting Games.

Two things happened that summer: I inadvertantly developed a really, really, terribly, unforgivably awful taste in music, and I got nasty at Mini Putt. Come Independence day, I'm on my basement couch sitting at 26 under par on green #16 and listening to Green Day while my best friend Henry Albers got an OTPHJ in my backyard hot tub. That actually may not have happened on that particular night in July 2004, but it happened often enough during 8th and 9th grade that the poetic license is justified. Bottom line, I was awesome.

So awesome that I've been inspired to revisit those days by compiling Marty Dolan's My Top 25 Most Regrettably Played playlist right here on Not Very Tall But Slow. But it's gonna be in pre-production until I blog out the past rather eventful two and a half weeks of my life.

These short term memories don't have a very long shelf life, and if I don't set them in internet stone soon I'm gonna be forced to tell mediocre stories with half-assed humor about things that may or may not have happened (see OTPHJ).

2) I wikipedia'd Mase because I was curious to find out what took him out da game before he welcomed himself back (it says a calling from God, which probably means the media didn't find out about how he fucked up).

More importantly, Mase has a great fucking publicist. I was expecting 8 maybe 9 sentences about where he was born and his eventual tenure on Bad Boy Records, but no. Dude has 5 partitions on Wikipedia, each outlining slightly distinct, but mostly indistinguishable stages of his rap career. I mean I wasn't listening to hip hop until 1999 at the very earliest, but there is no way Mase deserves a 500+ word wikipedia page. To be honest, I was surprised my search took me straight to Mase the rapper before a disambiguation directory with links to the medieval club or the tear gas (yes, I realize both are spelled with a C).

I mean, Black Rob doesn't even have 200 words, and he killed it on Bad Boy for Life AND Bad Boy for Life Remix. Speaking of Black Rob, this is actually pretty funny (from Black Rob's wikipedia page):

Arrest history
"[Robert "Black Rob" Ross] has a history of arrests spanning from his childhood to even after his record label signing and album release. This culminated in him recently being sentenced to seven years in prison in 2006 for failing to show up to court for his sentencing (which was to be 2 – 6 years initially) in a grand larceny charge from 2004, in which he was accused of robbing more than $6,000 worth of jewelry from a hotel room. He was released from prison in May 2010 and did an interview with BET two hours later."
You do you, Black Rob.

And I'mma do me. Time to kick off the recap.

[3) Hope the new, non-factory setting look for NVTBS is aesthetically pleasing. It took me like 10 hours to do because I'm fucking awful with computers, but if anyone has any suggestions, or if any web savants want to hop on the NVTBS bandwagon before it becomes wildly famous, I'll gladly promote you to head of the design department. I might even make you business cards.]

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