Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Inaugural Edition of "Batshit Crazy Things I Would Most Certainly Die From Doing"

"You know that mile-long gully we discovered in the Swiss alps, yeah I'm gonna glide down that in a wingsuit and you're gonna film me."

Who the fuck sells wingsuits? Like what's the market demand for these things?  Two fanatics who probably live in a thistle treehouse in the Pyrenees and think it would be really extreme to leap off a mountaintop and soar through a ravine.

You know who's crazier than the gentlemen filming/on film? The gentleman that paid for the HD camera equipment and the wingsuit. Like what if dude missed the mouth of that gully and impaled himself on a crag at 200 MPH? Great investment. At least Batman gets to put "Died While Trying to Fly the Length of An Alpine Canyon" on his epitaph.

The best Mr. Financial Backer can get out of this is "Died of Natural Causes 40 Years After Funding Other Dude's Extremely Expensive YouTube Stunt Death." I'm pretty sure I'll have a more inspiring epitaph than that, and I'm terrified of being on the roof of my house.

(Yeah, I'm jealous. This is pretty fucking cool.)

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